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Steve Harmon RivCo Public Defender

Message from the Public Defender

It is the mission of this office to provide the most competent and professional legal representation possible to those individuals who are charged with a crime or involved in certain civil matters. We believe that members of our community, and others, wish to be informed of the full range of services provided by our offices. The creation of this web site is an effort to assist you in understanding who we are and where we are located. We hope that the information we present here will help answer many questions about how we function and how the criminal justice system in Riverside county operates in general. In addition, we have included links to web sites and e-mail addresses of other members of the criminal justice community as well as providers of information about the courts and legal processes in general. It is our hope that this will allow you easy access to additional help and services that you may need in our community, county, state and nation. We appreciate the interest you have shown by visiting our site, and I hope this service will be of some help to you. Should you require further information, just e-mail or call us and we will be more than happy to assist you.